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How to develop the Vision for Digital Transformation?

Setup your Digital Transformation Vision

Digital Transformation is now a number one priority for many businesses. Over the past two years, businesses have put increased focus on digitally transforming their brands from the inside out.

It is an ongoing process of change based on the market and the needs of the customers. To deliver this change successfully, there is a need to establish a clear vision with objectives & expected outcomes.

Simply put vision is a picture of what the organization will look like after a stipulated time.

Importance of Vision statement for Digital Transformation:

  • Provides the big picture and clearly describes what your organization will be like in several years

  • Clarifies the right direction of change to ensure that everyone is moving forward

  • Inspires everyone to take action in a set direction

  • Synchronizes the action of different people. It provides self-sufficiency to individuals and teams while reducing conflicts.

How to develop the Vision for Digital Transformation?

  1. Define the business problem or opportunity.

  2. Collect data and analyze it to understand the current state.

  3. Draft a vision statement that describes the future state in terms of what you want to achieve.

  4. Create a roadmap for how you will get there, including specific steps and timelines.

  5. Implement the plan and track progress to ensure that you are on track.

There are some do’s & don’ts for setting up a vision:


  • Develop a Vision that is in line with the company's growth strategy.

  • Connect with partners who support your vision, not only third-party technology vendors but your customers and employees

  • It should create a sense of urgency

  • Link vision to specific goals in future

  • Describe how the company will change

  • How will you engage differently with customers?


  • It remains only as floor branding and marketing

  • Restricting the employees with a set vision & Boundaries

  • Vision is way too complicated, vague, and lacking actionable initiatives

  • Poor communication of the vision beyond the involved few stakeholders

  • Setup the vision before analyzing current systems and operations

Vision brings in the cultural change that is required for Digital Transformation. People are extremely important in this roller-coaster ride.

When the digital transformation vision is not clear, that affects the speed of adoption of both senior management and middle management.

You may have data and analytics, artificial intelligence, or all the digital technologies in your organization but people will not act just because technology is ready.

Some successful vision statements for digital transformation:

Google - To provide access to the world’s information in one click

Amazon - To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online

Walmart - To be the best retailer in the hearts and minds of consumers and employees

GE - To become the world’s premier digital industrial company, transforming industry with software-defined machines and solutions that are connected, responsive and predictive

Ikea – To create a better everyday life for the many people

Southwest Airlines - To become the world’s most loved, most flown, and most profitable airline

A top-down vision is a cornerstone & catalyst for digital transformation. These and many companies have created great vision statements to survive in this digital age.

Our Digital Vision & Strategy framework will lead you to the next steps:

  • Digital Maturity Assessment - to know where you stand

  • Customer Journey Mapping - to identify all the pain areas in every touchpoint and plan digital initiatives to make the customer experience easy, smooth, and happy

  • Digital Roadmap - prioritize the digital initiatives by business impact & customer experience. Use emerging technologies to implement the roadmap.

  • Digital Marketing - finally, you need to be on top of customer's minds all the time with the engaging digital marketing strategy

Download our template below for setting up your digital transformation vision properly.

Are you getting on the Digital bandwagon? Do you need a powerful vision for your digital initiatives?

Book a free 30-minute consultation call to know more.

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