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How much of on-page SEO you have applied on your website?

SEO by Going Digital
SEO by Going Digital

Today everyone starts on the internet with some search. If you are not on first page of Google then you are loosing a huge opportunity of business growth.

How much of following Search Engine Optimization techniques you have applied on your website to get you on first page?

  • Keyword Research - Identify what are people really looking for and which expressions have most search volume. You should also take the competition into account and choose the perfect balance between the most searched keywords and those with less competition

  • URL - The URL should contain the target keyword. The URL address should describe as closely as possible what the page is about.

  • Page Title - Keep titles about 55-60 characters long & Write unique titles, no duplicates. Use target keyword in titles.

  • H1 Heading - The H1 tag (the biggest headline) should appear at the top-center of the page and should be the first thing people see when they land on it.

  • Meta Description - Meta description is a summary of the page and appears as part of a search result snippet, below the page title. Length of 150-160 characters and use super keyword.

  • Content - Write content for people, not for search engines. Place your targeted keywords at the beginning of the text.

  • Images - All pages should have images as they are important in search ranking. When optimizing, use the most important keywords for the first image. Customize the “alt text” attribute of an image to describe the image.

  • Links - Link to pages you want to rank higher.

  • Speed - Performance of your website remains and is a strong ranking factor. Google has confirmed that websites which load faster rank better than those which don’t.

  • Google Analytics - Google Analytics is a great tool that can analyze and save all your data.

  • XML Sitemap - It acts as a roadmap to tell search engines what content is available and how to reach it.

  • Robots.txt - Tell search engine web crawlers which page to include in their index and which not.

So how are you using SEO to get on the top of Google search engine results pages?


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