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How to find your niche?

Writer: Sandeep RautSandeep Raut

How to find your niche?

You probably have hobbies, interests, and areas of knowledge you feel passionate about. Maybe you love photography or are a keen observer of the natural world.

Whatever it is, those things are your natural “niche” - a specialist sphere in which you can thrive and stand out from the crowd. You might think having a niche is something that only people with certain kinds of jobs need to worry about.

Having a niche can be beneficial. It makes you stand out from the competition and gives potential employers more reasons to hire you over someone else with similar qualifications and experience.

Find your niche with a simple exercise

There are as many ways to find your niche as there are people who need to do it. That said, there are some tried-and-tested exercises that can help you figure out exactly where your strengths and passions intersect.

Here are two ways to get started:

  • Sit Down and Make a List - You might be surprised by how many things you can think of off the top of your head. Make a list of the things you’re particularly good at and that you enjoy doing. Try to include things from your hobbies and interests, as well as skills you’ve developed through work or studying.

  • Draw a Mind Map - A mind map is basically a visual list. It’s an easy way to explore connections between different subjects or ideas. You can do this on paper or on a computer program like Evernote, where you can easily add and move things around.

Start by making a list of everything you’re good at

This may seem like the easy part, but you’d be surprised how many people skip it. So many people are so focused on finding the next thing they want to do, they forget to pause and appreciate what they’ve done so far.

When you’re making a list of your skills and strengths, don’t just write down what you know how to do. Write down what you’ve done. That’s something different. What have you done that you can point to as real-world proof of your abilities? What have you done that you can use to show potential employers or clients that you’re the right person for the job? For example, if you’re interested in writing and blogging, but you’ve never written anything before, your list is going to be pretty short.

Next, make a list of what you love

This is your chance to dream big, but also stay realistic. What are your passions? What would you do, even if you weren’t getting paid for it? What things do you read about, talk about, or research online?

You’re not just looking for broad areas, like “Digital Marketing”.” What specific area of digital marketing are you interested in? Is it Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, or Content Marketing? What are the sub-topics that fall under those broad headings?

Finally, look for where those things intersect

At this point, you should have two or three big lists of things you’re good at and things you love. Now it’s time to look for areas where those two lists intersect.

What commonalities exist between the things that you’re good at and the things you love? Is there a common thread between the skills you’ve developed and the topics that interest you?

Finding your niche doesn’t just help you stand out from the crowd. It can help you feel more confident in your career path, whatever that path may be.

When you know how to identify your niche and communicate it to the world, you can focus on being the best version of yourself you can be. And that’s something that will benefit you, your career, and your loved ones.

With so many niches to choose from, you’re certain to find one that’s the perfect fit for you. All you have to do is start exploring, and when you find something that excites you, grab it with both hands. Sure, you might be a little outside the mainstream, but that’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s actually something to be proud of.

If you want to create a niche in Digital Marketing then contact us today!!


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